
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Script and Script More Script

This Term  in Te Ngahere we have been making movies for the short film festival. Our movie is a remake of Back to the Future. After we finished the planning we needed to write a script,.The first thing we had to think about was what the characters were going to say. Then we needed to decide how the  characters were going to say their parts in the script. Lastly we thought of all of the shots we are going to use for our movie. Writing the script was challenging because we  had to decide what the characters in the movie where going to say. Deciding what type of shots we are going to have in our movie was easy. This is our script Have you ever made a short film for the film festival ?

Script for 2020 Movie

Back to the future




Grace = Athena

Mihi= Instructions

 Imogen = Hugo

All together in unison

 Autumn = Maddie

 Fern = Mum/ 1st keeper

Yazmin = 2nd keeper

Gail = Camera person/Director/ Narrator


The three sisters sat at home on their couch. The Three girls sat there concentrated mostly on their games that had their undivided attention.

Fern: “What are you doing ? Get outside and do something productive right now!!!.”


Grace: Oh *Grunting  “Why”<----------------------------------Medium Close Up

Fern: “Don’t back talk me or do you want a hiding”   <------------Medium Shot

Fern: “Go read the book I gave you” <---------------------------Medium Shot

Autumn: “lets not  take the chance let’s go”   <-------------------Medium close up

Imogen” Fine” < ------------------------------------------------Medium close up

The girls exit outside to sit by the huge Kauri tree.

Imogen: “ Why do we have to be out here it’s extremely  boring”. <-Medium shot

Autumn: “Okay you get a hiding then, fine by me” <--------------Long shot

Grace “ I just wanna go back inside it sucks here” <--------------Long shot

Grace: This book mum gave is boring too  <---------------------Long shot

Imogen: Look it's a bird, it’s a plane <---------------------------Long shot

Grace: “Seriously no it’s not” <--------------------------------- Long shot

BOOOOOOOOOOM the girls ended up somewhere that wasn’t there backyard they we're starstruck.

Imogen: What the- <----------------------------------------- Dutch Angle 

Grace: “Language” <------------------------------------------Dutch Angle 

Autumn: “Where are we”<------------------------------------ Dutch Angle 

Grace:“Oh I know we’re in those simulation things I saw it on T.V you just have to kick something and it lets you out” *Kicks random chair* “OWWWW” “Nevermind don’t listen to me.  <--------Long Shot

Autumn: “Oh you fool,we have to try get home”  <--------------Medium shot

Imogen: Look there's a person staring at us, lets go to him”  <---Long Shot

Autumn:”You can but I was taught not to talk to strangers”  <--- Long Shot

Keeper: Hello children  <------------------------------------- Medium Shot

Grace:I’m 12 actually  <---------------------------------------Close Up

Keeper: Don’t you have an attitude   <-------------------------Medium Shot

Imogen: Okay where are we?   <------------------------------ Medium Close up

Keeper: Oh right, you are  in the Future and you  must answer 3 no, 2 questions to go home   <-Medium Shot

Keeper: (whisper) Is it 2 yes? yes it is!   <-----------------------Close Up

Autumn: She's crazy let's get out of here   <--------------------Medium Close up

Keeper: “I’m the only one who can get you home child”   <------ Close up

Imogen: Okay talk   <----------------------------------------- Medium close up

Autumn: Aye where'd she go  <-------------------------------- Medium Close up

Imogen: Who cares let's just get home”  <-----------------------Medium Close Up

Autumn: “look there's a Man standing over there let's go to him”  <----------Long Shot

Grace: Okay miss “I don’t talk to strangers”  <------------------- Long Shot

Autumn : *rolls eyes* “ c’mon let's just go”  <-------------------- Long Shot

They all walked up to the selected Man in the scene and quietly tapped him on the shoulder.

Imogen: Umh excuse m-  <------------------------------------Medium Close Up

MUM!! “ What are you doing here”  <-------------------------- Close Up

Fern:” hush I have no idea who this “mum” you are speaking of but she sounds like a lovely person”  <----------------------------------------------Medium Shot

Autumn: Ha! “lovely” ok  <-------------------------------------Medium Shot

Fern: Let's move on, first question , What is your mother's favourite food? We’re starting off easy  <--------------------------------------------Medium Shot

Imogen: Pffftttt who knows I certainly don’t  <------------------Long shot

Fern: I’ll give you a clue it starts with “K”  <---------------------Long shot

Grace: Oh I know k-  Hotdogs   <-------------------------------Long shot

It starts with  “k”.  <-------------------------------------------Medium close up

Autumn: “Oh i definitely know burgers, burgers are yummy”  <-- Medium close up

Fern : *slaps forehead*” it;s chicken nuggets how do you not know this”  <-Medium close up

Imogen: “What, that doesn’t even start with “K” you fool”  <------Medium Close Up

Fern : How dare you, you-  <-----------------------------------Long shot

Grace: Can we move on now?  <--------------------------------Long shot

Fern: ok what is your mother's favorite place”<------------------Medium Close Up

]Imogen: “Oh I know this one it was in the book she gave is it’s - *reads book anywhere away from her kids, wait what that's a bit mean<-------Medium Close Up

Autumn: Who cares is it the right answer<----------------------medium shot        

Grace; yeah<--------------------------------------------------Extreme Close Up

Fern: You are correct glad to see someone red- nvm you may now move on

*fern dissapears <---------------------------------------------Close up

Autumn: “lets go”  <--------------------------------------------Medium shot over the sholder

Yazmin: “I see you got through, the first very boring step with the hag” <-medium shot

Autumn: Rude…  <----------------------------------------------close up

Yazmin: “Would you like to move on or not”  <--------------------medium close up

Grace: “Ok  what do we have to do”  <----------------------------medium close up

Imogen: Seriously, I just wanna go home now  <-------------------medium shot        

Yazmin: Silence, I will tell you first you must answer my riddle than you may return home” 

Grace: “Aye seriously do we have to do that”  <--------------------Medium shot

Yazmin: “Yes you must or you will stay here foreeevvveeerrr  <----Medium shot

Autumn: “Fine we’ll do it, what is it  <-------- -------------------- Close up

Yazmin: Uhm well, just wait a few seconds *pulls out paper and reads “what can breathe but not speak, wait no that's wrong”, uhm  <-------- ------Cowboy  Shot

Imogen: Seriously , this ones crazy too…  <----------------------- Medium Full Shot

Grace: do you know the answer  <--------------------------------Extreme Close Up

Yazmin: “yes it’s water- wait no..  <-------------------------------Close up

Autumn: “Water”  <----------------------------------------------Extreme Close Up

Yazmin: “What no wai- ok would you like a different riddle <-------

Autumn: Yes please<-------------

Grace: * hits Imogen SOFTLY* “You got us dude<----------------- Close Up over the sholder

Yazmin: “What  goes up but doesn’t go down” <-------------------

Imogen: Oh I Know that's easy age <-------

Grace” “told you she's got us <------

Autumn: *rolls eyes * <-------

Yazmin: correct, you have completed these tasks, you may now go home” <-------

Imogen: “cool let's go home”  <--------  Medium Full Shot

Autumn: “Yo let’s go”  <--------  Medium Shot over the sholder 

They return home

Grace: mum guess what   <--------  Extreme close up

Fern: “I told you three to get outside did I not?”  <--------  Medium Close Up

Autumn: Aye didn’t-  <--------  close up

Imogen: Wasn’t she just - never mind who cares lets  go back outside.  <-------- Medium closeup  

Grace: “Yo!”  <----------------------------------------------------------  Extreme close up

The End

Thursday, August 13, 2020


This week inTe Nga Here we have been making movies for the short film festival. Our movie is a remake of Back to the Future. When we started to make our movie we had to make a plan for what our movie was going to be about. First the teacher told us to do was tuse what type of film we are going to make. Our movie is comedy and fantasy. After we chose our film type we needed to write the script. We also had to make a list of props we are going to use in our movie.  Then we decided where we were going to film the movie - Location, we are going to film our movie on the field and in the school Whare. After that we thought of what sounds we are going to use in our film and wrote them down. Finally we wrote the title and credits.

Writing the script was challenging because we  had to decide what the characters in the movie where going to say. Deciding what type of film our film was going to be was easy. Have you ever made a short film for the film festival ?

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Mosaic Art

This week for art we have been making mosaic art on our chromebook. First we opened a google drawing and filed it in other. After that we needed to find a picture that we wanted to make a mosaic out of. Then we used a polyline tool to make different shapes over the top of the photo, then color the shapes to match the color on the photo. At first making all of the shapes was hard because the polyline tool was challenging to use. The shapes also  had to be quite big for the polyline tool to work. After I found out how to use the polyline is was really easy. Matching the color was also rather easy. Have you ever made a mosaic on a chromebook or computer?