
Tuesday, November 20, 2018


A few weeks ago four people came to our school, to teach the school about science.
There names are Taiyo, kaitlyn, Nina and Juan. They come from the university of Auckland.
They made the colors of a rainbow out of different chemicals, Nina also made a fire out of two chemicals
mixed together. Kaitlyn poured dry ice into a box and but a balloon in it and when she took it out it was
deflated and when it touched the air it blow up again!!

The thing that I learnt was that there is something colder than the south pole (dry ice.).

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A&P Show

In Te Maunga we made some things for pet day.  My class decorated novelty containers with flowers,
We decorated vaseline saucers and three biscuits each. We made digital posters to advertise The Bay Of
Islands A&P show.

After we had finished our work we went outside and one of the teacher aides came into judge our work.
The people who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd got their work taken to the A&P show.

Our teacher also sent some of our other artwork that we have done during  the year. She entered my
collage. It came first at the A&I show and I won $3!!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Procedural Writing

In Te Maunga we have been doing Procedural writing about: Beeswax wraps, Bird ball and Pikelets.
Before we wrote the procedure we got to experience it first. The one that I mostly enjoyed was  making
Pikelets.I enjoyed  making Pikelets because we all got a turn at doing something. After we made the
pikelets we got to eat them!!

I also had fun making the Beeswax wraps.
First we could chose a color fabric (yellow or blue) I chose blue, then we could draw whatever we wanted
on it.
After that we got our fabric dipped in beeswax.
We made them so that we didn't have to use gladwrap.

After we made something we wrote a procedures about it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Cross Country

Last week our school did cross country on Thursday 6th September.
We trained for cross country on the school field. We had to see how many laps we could do in ten
I improved by 1 lap - I started off at 4 laps, then moved up to 5 laps. We went to the Bledisloe Domain
to run our cross country. There was different courses for the younger kids. We ran by age groups.
I was really nervous. When it was the 9 year old girls we lined up and then the teacher said “on your
mark, get set, GO!”

We started around the field and then we went up the hill. I was in third place.
We ran through one gate and then looped around and then we went back down the hill.
I was in fourth place at the top of the hill. Then I went rocketing down the hill and to the finish line.

In the end I came 6th.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Math Problem solving

In Te Maunga we made flubber for math problem solving,
We used  PVA glue, Borax, Liquid dye and water.
First we had to figure out how many teaspoons where in  ½ cup, one cup and four.

½ cup = 25 tsp
1 cup = 50 tsp
4 cups = 200 tsp

Then we made the flubber, first we put the glue in a Big bowl.
Then we boiled the water and added the Borax
After that we put the water and Borax in to the glue and mixed it.
Then we put food coloring in the mixture and mix more,
We had to put more glue in the mix because it was not working.

We tried to fix it but it did not work.

Friday, August 31, 2018


In Te Maunga we have been learning about Te Reo names for food. First we made a google slide and named it kai.
Then we had to get the Te Reo and English names for kai moana (sae food). Then we  made a new slide and put Kei te hi ika a ____
Kei te hi ika a Papa, Dad is fishing

On another slide we did the Te Reo and English names for hua Rakau (fruit) and got a image of the food.

On another slide we put He tino reka, It’s very sweet and  He tino kawa, It’s very sour.

Mis Pou brought in some food for us to taste. Some was Sweet and some was sour.

Then on a new slide we put a table (2/2), on one side we put kawa and on the other we put Reka.
then we put all the things that where kawa on one slide and all the things that were street on the other.  

On the last slide we put He aha tenei? He ___ Tena, What is this? That is a ___

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Math Goals

In Te Maunga we made our Math goals,
first we had to make a new google drawing in our math folder. Then we got our math goals from a sheet that had the example and the name of it, if it look to hard or you didn't understand it you had to put it on your google drawing. You also got your goals from your test, if it was highlighted yellow you had to put it on you google drawing because you had got it wrong. After that we got to decorate it. Our WALT was We Are Learning To identify our learning needs.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Writing Goals Term 3

In Te Maunga we did our writing goals,First we had to make a new google drawing in our writing folder. Then we got our writing goals from a sheet and if your name was highlighted it mean you have achieved  it, and if your name is not highlighted it means you have not achieved it and then you put it on your google drawing. Our WALT was WALT: review and select our learning goals.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018



This term in Te Maunga we have been doing math problem solving for math. Math problem solving is when you are in groups and you have to work out problems using your times tables and division. This week we did Matariki problem solving.We had to find out how many points all the Matariki stars had all together if they had 5 points and if they had 7 points. The answer for 5 points was 5 x 7 = 35 and the answer for 7 points was 7 x 7 = 49.