
Friday, August 31, 2018


In Te Maunga we have been learning about Te Reo names for food. First we made a google slide and named it kai.
Then we had to get the Te Reo and English names for kai moana (sae food). Then we  made a new slide and put Kei te hi ika a ____
Kei te hi ika a Papa, Dad is fishing

On another slide we did the Te Reo and English names for hua Rakau (fruit) and got a image of the food.

On another slide we put He tino reka, It’s very sweet and  He tino kawa, It’s very sour.

Mis Pou brought in some food for us to taste. Some was Sweet and some was sour.

Then on a new slide we put a table (2/2), on one side we put kawa and on the other we put Reka.
then we put all the things that where kawa on one slide and all the things that were street on the other.  

On the last slide we put He aha tenei? He ___ Tena, What is this? That is a ___

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Math Goals

In Te Maunga we made our Math goals,
first we had to make a new google drawing in our math folder. Then we got our math goals from a sheet that had the example and the name of it, if it look to hard or you didn't understand it you had to put it on your google drawing. You also got your goals from your test, if it was highlighted yellow you had to put it on you google drawing because you had got it wrong. After that we got to decorate it. Our WALT was We Are Learning To identify our learning needs.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Writing Goals Term 3

In Te Maunga we did our writing goals,First we had to make a new google drawing in our writing folder. Then we got our writing goals from a sheet and if your name was highlighted it mean you have achieved  it, and if your name is not highlighted it means you have not achieved it and then you put it on your google drawing. Our WALT was WALT: review and select our learning goals.